16 October 2020

OctPoWriMo 16 - Paint the Rainbow

Photo by Tony Ross on Unsplash
Photo by Tony Ross on Unsplash

Sunrise, sunset, weeping eyes—

Will you paint the roses red for me?

Paint the midnight rainbow bright—

Change it all and set me free.

Ignite a fire in my soul,

Turn light to dark and dark to light,

Change it all and set me free,

Paint the midnight rainbow bright.

Nothing gold can stay they say,

But still I say, love is the key.

Paint the midnight rainbow bright—

Change it all and set me free.

A sprout becomes a bud, then blooms,

Creating green out of sunlight.

Change it all and set me free—

Paint the midnight rainbow bright.

Sit beside the peaceful stream,

Dive into the deep blue sea,

Paint the midnight rainbow bright,

Change it all and set me free.

Violets are blue? But no.

Turn right to wrong and wrong to right,

Change it all and set me free,

Paint the midnight rainbow bright.

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