24 October 2014

OctPoWriMo 24 - Critique?

Today, we were asked to think about reality TV competition shows, and how wonderful it would be to have one for poetry. My favourite is The Voice and, while I would love a competition show for poets, I really don't think we've thought this through. How many of you really want someone judging and critiquing your work? I would find it helpful, but I have a feeling that I'm in the minority. Which leads me to my poem today.


Judge my writing; rhyme and metre;
Give me honest feedback.
Show me how to make it better;
I’m looking for a teacher.

Poets often can be thin-skinned;
We don’t take crit well.
Let me positively spin it:
We have a fragile shell.

I would rather be an artist
Who learns from others’ comments,
Who doesn’t feel that I’m a target
For all my work is flawless.


  1. We put our heart in our poems, it's our baby. I love this poem.

  2. I can handle criticism of my work, but not when poetry itself is attacked. Excellent poem!d

  3. I love this - excellent perspective on what considerations we'd have to have for a poetry reality show. I've seen how devastated the designers are on Project Runway when their creations aren't received well. I'm sure we poets would react similarly. Still a fun idea!
