28 October 2019

OctPoWriMo 28 - I Will Never Yield

Prompt: Mending the Broken Places
Form: Pantoum

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

I Will Never Yield

I was born with wings
But I must learn to fly.
No one pulls my strings;
I will reach the sky.

I must learn to fly,
And I know I’ll prevail.
I will reach the sky:
My wings are not so frail.

I know that I’ll prevail;
I will throw off these chains.
My wings are not so frail,
And I will rise again.

I will throw off these chains:
I’m broken but I’m healed,
And I will rise again,
And I will never yield.

I’m broken but I’m healed,
And no one pulls my strings,
And I will never yield,
For I was born with wings.

1 comment:

  1. I want to cheer and cry. This poem is like an episode of 'This is us'
