12 October 2018

OctPoWriMo 12 - Love is a Warrior

Love is a Warrior

Love is not a summer cloud, wispy and frail
Love is a storm rolling in, thunder and rain
Love is a warrior; love will never fail

Love is not the bubbles floating in champagne
Love is a guardian, breaking evil’s bones
Love is a warrior, a wild hurricane

Love is not lust, desire, or mere hormones
Love is a choice you make again and again
Love is a warrior; love may stand alone

Love is not thoughts and prayers without action
Love is kneeling in the dirt to be a shield
Love is a warrior; love’s shouting, “Amen!”

Love is justice and mercy and truth revealed
Love is every hurt and injury healed


  1. Wow. This is an amazing take on the prompt! Favorite line is the last one: Love is every hurt and injury healed.

  2. I love that you define what love is not. What a wonderful piece.

  3. This is a great poem. I loved the line- Love is a guardian breaking evil's bones.
