31 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 31 - Lurking in the Dark

Today is the last day of OctPoWriMo 2017. This was my sixth (!) year doing this, and I am still learning so much every time.

Lurking in the Dark

What is lurking in the dark?
Hiding from all living eyes?
Skulking in the misty murk?
What is lurking in the dark
In the woods behind the kirk?
To seek it out would be unwise.
What is lurking in the dark—
Hiding from all living eyes?

30 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 30 - What We Can't Have

Today's prompt is forbidden, and one of the suggested forms is the kyrielle.

What We Can't Have

Enticing me with “Do not touch”;
I yearn to get my hands on it.
When given leave, I don’t care much.
Why do we want what we can’t have?

He does his best to earn the love
From those who should give it freely.
He kneels and cries out to above,
“Why do we want what we can’t have?”

A house, a car, a vacation
Somewhere warm and interesting;
Money, please be my salvation.
Why do we want what we can’t have?

29 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 29 - You Take My Breath Away

Today's prompt is breathtaking, and the suggested form is the villanelle.

You Take My Breath Away

When I bow my head to pray
Your love and grace engulf me,
And You take my breath away.

I know it sounds a bit cliché:
Your peace rolls o’er me like the sea
When I bow my head to pray.

You don’t expect me to betray
Who I am. You make me free
When You take my breath away.

Your joy is not just for someday;
I’m not on earth to just sightsee,
So I bow my head to pray.

I am called to find a way
To show Your love to all around me,
And how You take my breath away.

You love me; I am okay.
If only everyone could see;
When they bow their heads to pray
You would take their breath away.

28 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 28 - Home

Today's prompt is belonging, and the suggested form is the clarity pyramid.


sometimes where you’re born
is not where you belong
your community is home

“where you find yourself you belong”

27 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 27 - A Wild Rose

A Wild Rose

Petals of satin
Shades of white through magenta
I remember Mom

The fragrance of spring
Delicate blooms and sharp thorns
I remember Mom

Ev’ry year I’d bring
Her a wild rose from our yard
I remember Mom

26 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 26 - Full of Stories

Today's prompt is a once and unruly mind, and the suggested form is the cascade.

Full of Stories

My head is full of stories,
Always running off on quests;
Creating tales full of adventure
Is how I deal with stress.

Magic, elves, and fairies;
Majesty and glory:
I cannot be be bored when
My head is full of stories.

Even as I fall asleep,
Bedtime stories bring me rest;
My mind is off to dreamland,
Always running off on quests.

Fantasy and sci fi
Bring me the most pleasure,
But all I really need is to be
Creating tales full of adventure.

For as long as I remember
They help me decompress;
Creating plots and people
Is how I deal with stress.

25 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 25 - Sweet and Calming

This poem is dedicated to my husband, Mark.

Sweet and Calming

Your smile is sweetness to my heart;
Your touch is calming to my soul.
Especially when we’ve been apart,
Your smile is sweetness to my heart.
Like a poignant work of art
Satisfies and makes me whole,
Your smile is sweetness to my heart;
Your touch is calming to my soul.

24 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 24 - When Lovers Meet

I see you there
Across the room
Your eyes so bright
You put the sun and stars to shame
You enchant me

23 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 23 - Call Them Sin?

Today's prompt is What is the Message?

Call Them Sin?

What message do we send
When we call them sin?
How can we defend
What message we do send?
Whatever we intend,
No matter how we spin,
What message do we send
When we call them sin?

22 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 22 - You Must Love

Today's prompt is Purposeful Passion, and we were challenged to find a form we haven't tried before. I went with the quatern, and wrote about something that I am very passionate about.

You Must Love

If you love God, you must love all.
As followers, we imitate.
It doesn’t matter who they are.
They’ll know we’re His because we love.

Whatever colour is their skin,
If you love God, you must love all;
No matter what they might believe,
Agape love is our true call.

If they are gay or trans, so what?
We are not called to judge, but love.
If you love God, you must love all,
To share what we receive above.

Who does not love does not know God;
Our God, He loves and He is love,
And everyone who loves knows God.
If you love God, you must love all.

21 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 21 - Paper Wings

Today's prompt is Nothing Remains the Same, and the suggested form is the abecedarian. I tried writing one, but 26 lines is a very long poem, and I learned years ago that sometimes a poem needs to stop before it gets too unwieldy, so I stopped.

Paper Wings

All is changing—that is living:
Balance learned through love and forgiving.
Comfort found in static things
Doesn’t last—like paper wings.
Everything must change to grow:
Flow like rivers, fall like snow.

20 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 20 - Memories So Sweet

Today's prompt, Desires and Remembering, asked us to write about the last time we really, truly wanted something.

Memories So Sweet

I remember years ago it was such a treat
My favourite dessert
Sweet and fluffy cake with creamy frosting
So many years have passed
I saw it in the store
Memories came flooding back
But it was not the same
My tastebuds have changed
Such a disappointment

19 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 19 - I Don't Want Your Soul

Today's prompt is Fox or Foxy and the suggested poetry type is the florette.

I Don't Want Your Soul

Because I’m a redhead, some say
I’m crafty and cunning and fey,
Just like a fox, tricky and sly.
But really, I’m quiet and I don’t like to stray
From comfortable things I know.
I like to live life kind of slow:
I don’t power walk—no, I stroll.
I am calm, I don’t want your soul; I’ll just lie low.

18 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 18 - Easier to Pretend

Today's prompt is Everyone Went on Eating, as in what if you made a huge announcement and no one cared? I really liked the pantoum when I wrote a couple earlier this month, so I did another one.

Easier to Pretend

If I were to tell my family and friends
Who am I really, deep down inside,
I wonder would they simply pretend
I had said nothing? Would they brush me aside?

Who am I really, deep down inside?
Few truly know me; to all the rest
I have said nothing. Would they brush me aside?
Pass off as a jest my truth so expressed?

Few truly know me; to all the rest
If I were to trust you, would you then condemn?
Pass off as a jest my truth so expressed?
Look at my heart and soul with contempt?

If I were to trust you, would you then condemn?
I am afraid my loved ones might
Look at my heart and soul with contempt
See who I am as transgression, as spite.

I’m also afraid my loved ones might
Find it easier to simply pretend,
Though they see who I am as transgression, as spite.
If I were to tell my family and friends.

17 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 17 - Wondrous Things

Today's prompt is fantasy "And the Dragon Chose..." I wrote an alouette today as I've never tried this form before and it sounded fun.

Wondrous Things

Elves and pixies tease;
Magic’s on the breeze;
Wizards, witches, warlocks chant,
Weaving wondrous things
As, upon soft wings,
Fairies swoop and sing and dance.

Come into the trees;
Fall upon your knees;
All around, mages enchant,
Wrapping unseen strings
On their new plaything;
Now you stand and join the dance.

16 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 16 - Sacred Silence

Today's prompt is Losing Your Fears and Tears and we were asked to think about what fears we face and fight and lose. I have always hated speaking in front of people.

Sacred Silence

Speaking up and speaking out
Gives me shakes and gives me chills
Even when I have no doubt.
Speaking up and speaking out
Feels like I’ve broken all about
Sacred silence no longer still.
Speaking up and speaking out
Gives me shakes and gives me chills.

15 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 15 - My Stomach Churns

Someone teaches hate and fear
And everything within me churns.
It seems so often that I hear
Someone teaches hate and fear.
Especially a one who steers
Others in the way to learn,
Someone teaches hate and fear
And everything within me churns.

14 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 14 - Resistance

Today's prompt is Movement and Words, and the line "some words have the ability to make us plant ourselves and refuse to move" inspired me today.


Persist in your resistance
Despite evil’s insistence
That you can’t go the distance;
You oppose by your existence;
You advance.

We will not disappear;
Our faith will persevere;
Despite the atmosphere;
‘Til all is clear.

13 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 13 - Meant to be Creative

Today's prompt is Art in the Wayward Mind, but I believe that everyone is creative.

Meant to be Creative

We were made to be artistic
We are meant to be creative
It is only realistic
That we will all be innovative

We are meant to be creative
Not only with what we call “art”
And we will all be innovative
Take a chance what’s in your heart

Not only with what we call “art”
Sports and science, even math
Take a chance what’s in your heart
Take a step upon your path

Sports and science, even math
Painting, music, singing, dance
Take a step upon your path
If you love it, take a chance

Painting, music, singing, dance
Anything your heart desires
If you love it, take a chance
Find a way to light your fire

Anything your heart desires
It is only realistic
Find a way to light your fire
We were made to be artistic

12 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 12 - Imaginary Friends

Today's prompt is Imagination Stands in the Road, and we were asked to remember our imaginary friends—if we had them. I had four. Pomby was my first, and I created her alone, while the other three were created along with my sister.

We were also challenged to write a sestina today, which is a very difficult form.

Imaginary Friends

Pomby, Piecey, Chunky, and Pottatoa were their names.
Pomby was first and dearest, a tiny shadow.
The others were joint creations with my little sister,
The first characters created by us tiny writers
Before we knew how to make stories;
We would run outside, playing games together.

When we started creating stories together,
We soon forgot all but their names.
We needed new characters for our new stories.
Our imaginary friends faded into shadow
As we grew into our destiny as writers:
Me and my little sister.

So many years have passed, and my sister
And I no longer write together.
We have grown into distinct writers,
Making our own names,
Neither living in the other’s shadow;
Yet we still read and critique each other’s stories.

So many years and so very many stories,
And my greatest friend has always been my sister.
My memories are mostly lost to shadow
Of all the tales we used to make together.
We knew someday our names
Would be among known writers.

And now we’re fanfic writers,
And readers love our stories.
They may not know our real names,
But they know our words, especially my sister’s.
We still love to work together;
Upon our work, each other’s shadow.

My memories of childhood are but shadows;
I would forget it all were I not a writer.
I remember creating things together,
Though I can’t recall the stories
Me and my sister
Created so long ago. But the names

Are yet shadows of the stories
We tiny writers me and my sister
Imagined together with their names.

11 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 11 - The World's Heartbeat

Today, I wrote a pantoum. I can't remember if I've ever written one before.

The World's Heartbeat

I tilt my head and breathe the air;
I smile as breezes kiss my face
And play like fingers in my hair;
This summer wind, a warm embrace.

I smile as breezes kiss my face;
The earth so cool beneath my feet;
This summer wind, a warm embrace:
I nearly feel the world’s heartbeat.

The earth so cool beneath my feet,
And flowers dancing ‘round my knees;
I nearly feel the world’s heartbeat
And, for a time, I am at ease.

The flowers dancing ‘round my knees,
They play like fingers in my hair,
And, for a time, I am at ease;
I tilt my head and breathe the air.

10 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 10 - I'm a Contradiction

Today's prompt is Power and Control.

I'm a Contradiction

I like to have control of what I do
And yet I love a list of tasks to do.
It sounds like I’m a contradiction, true:
I like to have control of what I do,
But I don’t want to lead or oversee.
Knowing what’s expected leaves me free;
I like to have control of what I do
And yet I love a list of tasks to do.

09 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 9 - Dust to Ashes

Today's prompt asked us to think about someone tapping the ash from a cigarette, and suggested we try the palindrome form. I've never written a palindrome before, so here's my attempt:

Dust to Ashes

Ashes falling into dust
Ashes to dust
Softly killing
Killing softly
Dust to ashes
Dust into falling ashes

08 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 8 - My Life is Good

Today is Thanksgiving Sunday in Canada, so I wrote a poem about what I am thankful for.

My Life is Good

I’m thankful for the life I hold.
I am blessed. My life is good.
I may complain, but when all’s told
I’m thankful for the life I hold
With food and shelter ‘gainst the cold,
More clothes than I could ever need.
I’m thankful for the life I hold.
I am blessed. My life is good.

07 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 7 - Caution

Today's prompt is And Then I Went Too Far. But I honestly cannot think of a time when I did anything that could be called "too far." I'm a very cautious person, and I don't usually come close to the line, let alone step over it.


I am not spontaneous;
I ponder, mull, and think again.
The unknown feels precarious,
And I am not spontaneous.
Crossing lines is craziness;
It’s easier to just abstain.
I am not spontaneous;
I ponder, mull, and think again.

06 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 6 - Next to Me

Today's prompt is While I was pacing the floor, but I don't pace. I fidget when I'm anxious. However, one of the phrases stood out to me: "shadows walk with me." There is something comforting about one's shadow, but there is also something eerie about it. I am currently reading a scary book, and since I'm in that mindset that's where my poetry went today.

Next to Me

My shadow paces next to me
In the corner of my eye.
Though I’m standing still I see
My shadow paces next to me.
I can’t escape; I’ll ne’er be free
From birth until the day I die
My shadow paces next to me
In the corner of my eye.

05 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 5 - Both Good and Bad

Today's prompt is Finally I Understand, and this is a theme I revisit often. I wrote another triolet today.

Both Good and Bad

My life has not gone how I’d planned
And yet it’s good, so I am glad.
Now I finally understand
My life has not gone how I’d planned
For it’s not traced, but drawn freehand:
A masterpiece, both good and bad.
My life has not gone how I’d planned
And yet it’s good, so I am glad.

04 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 4 - Give Way to Gold

Today's prompt is Between the Clouds and the Water, and I was also inspired by one of my favourite poems: Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Give Way to Gold

There is a turbulence of gold
Rioting along the fold
Where sea meets sky in dazzling power
Like a brilliant, fleeting flower:
Morn and eve, in colours brief;
And green gives way to gold in leaf:
Exquisite death upon display;
So glorious it cannot stay.

03 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 3 - The Taste of Metal

I took today's prompt, The Taste of Metal, quite literally. I also decided to try my hand at the suggested form, the cherita.

Acrid, sharp upon my tongue

Harsh and grating through my jaw
And up my spine

Metal tastes and feels like
It is killing me
If I bite it

02 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 2 - I Drift Away

Today's prompt is We Write Because We Must. I do write because I must, but I couldn't find inspiration for today in this prompt. Instead, I write a triolet (my current favourite form) about how easy it is to just not try, whether in relationships or anything else.

I Drift Away

I drift away from everything,
Allowing all to pass me by.
I hide from life because it stings;
I drift away from everything.
But with no pain there is no zing.
Do or do not? Yet I must try.
I drift away from everything,
Allowing all to pass me by.

01 October 2017

OctPoWriMo 1 - I Was Blind

It is day one of OctPoWriMo 2017, and the prompt is How Did I Get Here?

I Was Blind

I used to know the truth;
I knew that I was right;
But it was all a lie.
My heart contains the proof:
From darkness into light;
No longer I’ll deny.

From things that I was taught
I have broken free;
In fire I’m refined.
Now that I know naught,
I can truly see
That I was blind.